GOSH Corporate Schemes

Corporate Merchandise

Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity:  

Prior to Event Merchandising coming on board, Gosh’s design department was acting as a production/ purchasing department  across five different areas of the business (e.g. corporate, local, marketing, etc); at the end of each month they would collate the orders from the various departments, go out to three different  suppliers, get costs back, compare and then place the order.

This took a disproportionate amount of time and not in the scope of their job role, acting as the “middle man” between the different departments and suppliers.

Event Merchandising created a dedicated internal use web shop where pre approved items were on display, with different price brackets for various quantity breaks.

Results from using Event Merchandising:

•             Time:  GOSH Saved on average 6 days of work per month

•             Costs Savings:  27% reduction in costs via order consolidation, set pricing, Event taking over fulfilment and storage.

•             By acting as “one stop shop” for all end users has saved them time as its accessible 24/7. They have the confidence that all the items have been pre approved and if they have any questions they can get the answers within the hour. Also we act as a resource where they can call in and brief us for specific mini projects – For example for the “Ask Italian Grand Tour” – where we created a range of Italian items knowing that the items we present will be both innovative and on brand.
