Tag: Honey G


When I Say ‘Honey’ You Say ‘G.’

The 2016 X Factor proved to be another memorable one, thanks to the wild controversial contestant, Honey G, who, like it or not, rapped her way to stardom.

After loosing out, Honey G, real name Anna Gilford, then went onto to launch a brand new single ‘The Honey G Show.’ As part of the release, the North Wheezy rapper bowled up to the EML office and spat some bars for us saying how she wanted to have her own swag. Blown away by her performance, we decided to produce the merchandise. 

What we did not entail was the huge interest we had from the media. The coverage we received is certainly one of Event’s most successful PR campaigns. The merchandise was picked up by OK Magazine, The Daily Star and The Sun to name a few.

Bears like Honey

Bears like Honey

Check out some of the articles below!





Honey G Press

Honey G Press

#HoneyG #TheXFactor #ArtistMerchandise #TheHoneyGShow